
Coaching is a procedure which aims to improve performance and focuses on the ‘here and now’ rather than on the distant past or future.

There are are many different types of coaching, but here we are not considering the ‘coach as expert’, instead, the coach as a facilitator of learning.

Coaching has been explained in many ways. The jest of coaching is…To help a person change in the way they wish and help them go in the direction they want to go.

Coaching is all about having someone believe in you and encourage you, about getting valuable feedback, about seeing things from new perspectives and setting your sights on new horizons.

Coaching supports a person at every level in becoming who they want to be. Coaching also builds awareness and empowers choice and leads to change.

Life Coaching is perfect for you if you are…

Unhappy and unsatisfied with where you are currently at in certain areas of your life

Feeling stuck and are not sure what to do next

Ready to take massive action to accomplish and achieve your goals

Feeling down or confused about certain situations happening in your life

Stuck at a dead-end job and are not sure how to find your passion or purpose

In a bad relationship where you are not appreciated or satisfied

Overwhelmed with everything that is going on in your life and needs someone to help sort it out

Lacking confidence and have low self-esteem and what to feel better about yourself

Unsatisfied with your body or overall state of health and well-being

It unleashes a person’s potential to maximize their performance. Coaching helps them to learn rather than teaching them.
The most important part of coaching is to help people to learn to silence that inner voice and allow their inclination, or their subconscious, to take over. Sometimes that means diverting it, and sometimes it’s about to reconnoiter the ‘worst case scenario’ and removing the distress.

Eventually, all the pieces fall into place. Until then, laugh at the confusion, live for the moment and know that everything happens for a reason.