Stress happens when we feel rushed, under pressure and overwhelmed. The reasons can be many such as unrealistic demands at work, lack of resources or training, job insecurities, external situations  etc

There are many techniques and ways available to reduce workplace stress, we need to choose ours which align with us the best.

Here are my fives which can help in managing workplace stress in a better way.

1. Being aware of signs & symptoms of stress-

First things first, at times with all the business around we skip meals, start forgetting special occasions, start driving in a flow state, keeping track of and making a conscious effort to watch out for stress signs is the most important thing. Also be vigilant for emotional changes- such as mood swings, aggression or sensitivity, loss of confidence or motivation, mental changes- such as indecision, loss of concentration, and behavioral changes- eating or sleeping patterns, increased smoking or drinking, being absent mindedness during conversations.

2. Adhering to healthy habits

Many of us get comforted by food and think that eating junk food or consuming alcohol or sleeping pills are the solutions or coping mechanisms. They are not, they may endanger health further. Instead, making sure to integrate regular eating breaks during the day may improve concentration and productivity. The best way to wind down from days fatigue is exercising or any form of body movements such as, walking, dancing, pilates, yoga, trekking then comes cooking, gardening or listening to music etc.

3. Establishing manageable boundaries

More then often we take up too much work  on us, may be to prove our self worth or it becomes the need of the hour or may be out of fear of saying ‘no’ , which can lead to stress building up. If work is piling up, finding ways to sort it out, talking to colleagues or immediate boss to setting priorities & making them accountability partner can help.

4. Creating a balance around Work & life

A good work-life balance is essential for our personal wellbeing. If we are working at

home, no one expects us to be glued to a keyboard 24-hours a day. It is important to consciously keep work and personal time separate. Downtime is vital and help us stay productive.

5. Timing your day in a better way

Stress will never be far away if we do not meet our deadlines or be disorganized. We can create a few simple steps to manage our time more effectively, whether it is remote work or on-site. Prioritising workload, arranging tasks in terms of deadline and importance may help us in the long term.

So try them and let me know if they worked. You may or may not agree with all these or maybe think it is easier preached than its application but this is also true that-

“You will never feel truly satisfied by work until you are satisfied by life”. Heather S